The hydrotherapy based on thermal stimulus and mechanical sensed at skin level and transmitted by the nervous system inside the body, stimulating and reinforcing the cardiovascular system. The heat calms and placates the body, reducing the internal organ activity. Instead the cold stimulates and strengthens, increasing the vascular activity. Alt...

The hydrotherapy based on thermal stimulus and mechanical sensed at skin level and transmitted by the nervous system inside the body, stimulating and reinforcing the cardiovascular system. The heat calms and placates the body, reducing the internal organ activity. Instead the cold stimulates and strengthens, increasing the vascular activity. Alternating heat and cold, so reduces the stress and stimulates the body and mind.


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  • Ice

    The ice fountains for the body cooling, in the wall mounted version or the ceiling mounted version are very choreographic furniture elements. The ice falls down from the stainless steel supplying nozzle until deposit in the lower container receptacle, coordinating and matching in forms and materials as requested by the clients personal taste or coordinating with the thematic project line. The ice inside the container could be taken out and be rubbed on the body; this action stimulates the skin, reactivates the circulation under the skin, causing a light sensation of formication and tingling. The temperature contrast between ice and body determs a stimulating action on the circulation; at the same time reinforces the cardiovascular system and the immune system.

  • Showers

    The wellness showers are wellness solutions which they go beyond the simple traditional shower participating all five senses. The adjustable water flows by intensity, temperature, and lasting are associated with scenic atmosphere, suffused sounds and colors create a relaxing moment capable to surprise even the most demanding.

  • Nordic Bath
  • Tunnels & Paths
  • Swim & Spa